How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Some steps you can take today, others require a little more planning.
What's Your "Credit Score" and How Can It Affect Your Credit?
What is your credit score? And why is it important? In this report, I give you some basic facts about credit scoring that highlight its importance to your financial health.
Buying a Car? Five Traps to Avoid
Are you ready to replace your current vehicle with a new―or newer―set of wheels? If so, you've got lots of company.
Tips for Improving Your Credit Score
Whether your credit is already good or could use some improvement, managing your personal finances in ways that enhance your creditworthiness is always smart. Adopting sound practices that enhance your credit score is a good place to start.
Pyramid Schemes: Watch Out!
Get this scenario: you, a college student who has discovered the luxury of 10 Ramen Noodle cups for only a buck, are approached by a young man dressed-for-success at the local JCrew.
Why Not Buy a Car on eBay or Another Online Auction Site?
eBay has become the gorilla of vehicles sales virtually overnight—they've facilitated over three million vehicle sales since starting their program.
Should Gas Prices Influence Your Next Vehicle Purchase?
You could save hundreds at the pump in the short term and spend thousands more long-term.
Thinking about Buying a First Home or Moving Up to a Larger Home?
The housing market has been much in the news recently. After years of steadily rising home values, the home values went down. In some areas, home values went down drastically.
Top 10 Car Buying Tips
Many dealers will sell you a car for "cost" but still make thousands on you—on financing, on your trade-in, on add-ons and products such as credit insurance and warranties.
E-Statements and Managing Your Financial Accounts Online Can Offer Big Benefits
Having online access to all your financial accounts (beyond your checking account) can offer increased convenience, efficiency, and, above all, security.
About to Tap Your 401K for a Loan? Six Reasons to Think Again
Although you may have a good reason for considering a 401K loan, ask yourself if the loss of future income and security is worthwhile.
Thinking of Donating Your Used Vehicle to Charity?
Are you considering it? If so, then you need to know the IRS rules that affect the tax deductibility of your gift. You also need to know how to check out the charity you're considering.
Do You Know Where Your Financial and Important Papers Are?
If you had to leave your home quickly, could you easily find them? If something happened to you, could someone else find all of your important papers?
Getting the Longest Service out of Your Vehicle Saves $$$
Many of today's vehicles can last for well over 100,000 miles with few major repairs. The key to this longevity is proper and timely maintenance.
Check, Credit Card or Debit Card?
How do you pay for everyday purchases or bills? Cash? Check? Credit Card? Debit Card? If you are like most people, you use a combination of these methods—and more.
Binding Mandatory Arbitration: A Fact Sheet
In voluntary arbitration, both sides in the dispute voluntarily agree to submit their disagreement to arbitration after it arises and after they have an opportunity to investigate their best options for resolving their claim.