Time Travel: How About Retiring?
Wait a minute... You're young! Why should you think about retirement already?
FoolProof Top 10 Scams: Beware of the Red-Lipped Batfish Trick!
No matter how silly or irrational they seem, people often fall victim to these scams.
Really Useful Websites: from Guacamole to Gas
Whether you're out of money, out of time, or out of gas, these websites can help you and even protect your privacy.
Native Advertising: A Radical Shift in Advertising That Targets You
Scary, but true... If you look closely at the home page of your news or even email provider, you'll find native advertising.
How to Protect Yourself from Scam Emails, Letters and Phone Calls
The scammers behind major data hacks like Target, iCloud, JP Morgan, and Home Depot may be some of the smartest we've seen.
Budget Trouble: Broke Right after Payday?
You know that feeling you get when you get paid? You feel happy and rich and the sky is the limit! It's a great feeling, but it doesn't last long, does it?
What's the Gimmick at "Rent-to-Own" Stores?
How can you go wrong with that? Just make low monthly rental payments and you can end up owning that mega screen TV, right?
Financing Higher Education—Checking Out Education Loans
The cost of post-secondary education—college, university, community college or career or trade schools—continues to rise. But pursuing higher education can be worth the investment.
What Is Renters Insurance and Should I Get It?
Life is filled with risks. You might fall off your skateboard and break an arm. Or, maybe you crash your car into a wall and it is no longer drivable. The idea of insurance (and/or insurance policies) is to lower, or take away, the risk of financial loss.
The Selfie Saga: Selfie ID
The use of facial recognition software to verify identification for account access or to make payments, etc., is relatively new.
Being Young; Being Bankrupt!
Are you ever in trouble with money? Ever have the feeling you can't get out of it? Well, you're not alone.
Identity Theft
And yet another article on identity theft... Boring! But is it? Did you know young people are big targets? Here's a quick head's up.
Do You Give to Charities?
Become that philanthropist**! But beware!
How to Build Strong Passwords
I even got (most of) the FoolProof Team to use this system... And if THEY can do it...?! ;)
Apple/Android Pay: Mobile Payments on the Rise
Be safe and sound while enjoying the perks of a wallet-free shopping spree.
Could Your Smartphone or Tablet Be Hacked?
Got a smartphone? An iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone or even an Android? If so, be warned.
Young People and Taxes!
Nearly every day of your life you will need to deal with taxes. Not just when you work a job, but also when you purchase things—ever heard of sales tax?
Oddball Tips for Saving Money
Being smart about money is more important now—when you're young—than when you're older. Why? Smart habits learned now will stay with you, but more important ...
Are You Kidding? You're Not Thinking About Retirement Yet?
Following these two simple suggestions. Virtually nothing you do in life is more important for your financial independence.
Weird But True Budgeting Tips
Colleges and graduate schools can be backbreaking when it comes to money. Why not get creative with ways to save more money and lessen that backbreaking load?